“People will never see What You say, but they will see the way you say”
As per the saying the audience will never see what a seller sells. But audience notices the way how an individual is able to express itself in front of other people. With this objective Lights of hope had organized the activity it will enhance the communication skills as well as pitching skills of the students. As rightly said skills do not develop overnight. So right from the early stage if these skills are been developed then it would be better for students to survive in today’s competitive world. So, the activity included the children were asked to sell an object to the LOH coordinators.
The students utilized their brains and they have pitched themselves by including the object advantages and how that object is better than the other objects. It shows that students were aware of the market situation and very well know how to pitch themselves and their communication skills developed this way. Lastly, their communication and their hesitation might be decreased up to some extent.
Penned By: Shubham Sharma
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