“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock

On Thursday 25 of February, we the members of the LOH family conducted a Grand Team meetup at GTU innovation and startup center, Dandia Bazar, Vadodara. We wanted to create better cross-team collaboration, identify sharing opportunities with the hope of inspiring more communication within. Breeding fresh ideas and talking inputs from a particular person and working on a problem with different methods was course material throughout.

It was a large turnout to understand and standardize concepts and patterns we were struggling with. Meeting felt everyone wonderful after a long time as all the members entertained their feelings freely about the organization. While a meetup requires a lot of hard work, it isn’t all work. We had an amazing time and some great laughs! Thus, it felt great meeting up and in the end, we all found our purpose.

Penned By: Parth Shah